Where to start?


As you may or may not have noticed, I’ve been gone for a while. Oh, I’m still here, I just haven’t been here. I have no excuses, but hey, this is my blog—do I really need an excuse? The longer I stay away, the easier it is to stay away. And now I feel like I need a really big-deal post in order to return. If that’s what you’re expecting you might as well bail now, because there’s nothing too exciting here.

You may or may not wonder what I’ve been doing during my absence. Let’s see what I can remember . . . .

For some reason, I just love this one

I did a photo shoot for the daughter of one of my co-workers. She was a sweetheart, and she loved these beads. I even made the tutu—can you believe that? It was super easy (otherwise I would’ve had to outsource), and I may have to make some others in different colors.

My mom was in town for a few days, and we took her to the dump. She was begging us to take her there. Who wouldn’t want to visit a pile of trash? Well you see, this dump is just a little different. Oh, there’s trash there, of course. But on Sunday afternoons, they open the place up as a scenic overlook:

To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump!

You can literally see for miles in all directions. They have those binocular thingies like Mount Rushmore or the Empire State Building (only these are free!). And believe it or not, there are picnic tables and playground equipment. At the dump! How cool is that? Even the local Amish families like to spend time there.

Sunday afternoon activity

Don’t worry about Mom—we did other fun things while she was here too. We took her to dinner, did lots of shopping, and she went with me to a camera club meeting. The speaker that night was Bob Caputo, who’s worked for National Geographic for 27 years. His photos were amazing, of course, but he also had great stories of how he goes about capturing them.

Speaking of camera club . . . we meet twice a a month, and one of the meetings is a competition. I entered my first competition last week, and I got third place! I was pleasantly surprised. Good ol’ Maggie!

Morning walk

Remember the Blessing of the Animals that I mentioned last year? It’s coming up again next weekend, and J.P. and I are taking portraits to help raise money for the rescue. Last year we used the blue backdrop as seen here:


Since we’re always going for repeat business, I like to mix things up a bit from year to year. But I didn’t want to shell out big bucks for a backdrop that dogs will most certainly pee on. So last weekend I bought a HUUUUGE paint drop cloth at Home Depot and painted it in the driveway using a couple colors from HD’s “oops bin” and a couple colors that were left over from projects around here. It didn’t turn out half bad! Maggie begrudgingly helped me test it out today. Since I probably won’t post again this week, she and I will just say it now: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Trick or Treat!

16 Responses to “Where to start?”

  1. Ern Says:

    I have to say, as a Rocky Mountain native, I found your dump story HYSTERICAL! No offense. Maggie is just adorable as usual. The prize winning pic was definitely deserving. 🙂

  2. SoozieQ Says:

    When I showed this (last) picture to my Niece tonight on Flickr she squealed “DOGGIE”. I told her that her name was Maggie so then she became “MAGGIE DOGGIE”. She made me go through all of MAGGIE DOGGIE’S pictures on Flickr 😉

    Good job on the backdrop and thank you for updating your blog!

  3. Susie Says:

    It’s nice to “see” you and to catch up. Congratulations! I really enjoy seeing your photography evolve. Some day we’ll say, “We knew her when . . . ”

    (I must say, I have thought, at times, of taking both my Mom and my MIL to the dump…)

  4. Philosophical Karen Says:

    We were in another city in this area yesterday, and it was very, very flat. But off in the distance I saw a huge green hill, almost mountainlike, looming in the distance. I thought of you and said, “That must be the local landfill.” And sure enough, I was right.

    Oh, and ditto Susie. (Except for that last part.)

  5. kalki Says:

    Yay for an update! I would have loved to hear Bob Caputo – one of the things I wanted to be growing up was a National Geographic photographer. Such a fascinating life….

  6. mrtl Says:

    Welcome back!

    I’ve been lusting after a poof from poshtots. Your tutu looks just like one. How easy was it to make?

  7. shari Says:

    Oh wow! If I could take photos like you can, I’d post every day just to show off! It’s lovely to see you again!!!

  8. Character Builder Says:

    Your backdrop turned out really nice!

    Gorgeous view from the dump!

  9. teacher of 5 Says:

    I LOVE the pictures. Please tell me what type of camera you have. And is it user friendly?

  10. mainlinemom Says:

    Yay for a post! Yes, awesome backdrop. I never thought of making my own…you must give me pointers! And fab third place photo, and bootiful tutu! If I ever shoot a little girl again I’ll ask you about the tutu. Wish I had time for more photography and even a camera club. That’d be fun.

  11. William Says:

    The dump with a view. Cool.

  12. Amy Says:

    Sharkey! Glad to see someone else has been playing hookey! But man, you come back with severe STYLE. Good on ya. LoVE the baby picture and the dog shadow. magnifico.

  13. Von Krankipantzen Says:

    COOL! Congrats on the win. Your photos are looking fabulous. Your tips really helped me and as such a complimentary Yoshi calendar is on its way to you.

  14. tysgirl Says:

    I don’t know how I missed this post. Welcome back. You should come around more often. I loved the tutu picture!

  15. Melanie Says:

    Love your photography… Mine needs some work, LOL.

    My dog is named Maggie too…

    Just found you randomly… glad I did.


  16. CircusKelli Says:

    YAY! It’s great to “see” you! Your pictures are fabulous. I love the one of the girl with the beads, and that one of Maggie is fantastic. Congrats on third place!

    Susie’s comment made me laugh! Hee hee!

    Happy Halloween… and Happy Thanksgiving, too! 🙂

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