Wanna know a secret?

Pssst . . . hey! Over here! I’m not sure whether you’ve heard . . . did you know that Christmas is only a few days away? It’s so odd because usually it’s a really big deal. But this year? I haven’t heard anything about it.

Yeah, yeah . . . you know that’s a lie. What with the ads on TV, and the holiday songs that have been on the radio since what seems like August, it’s pretty tough to miss it.

Fortunately, all of our shopping is done! Now we just have to finish the wrapping, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and baking so we can welcome our guests and begin the entertaining portion of the program. J.P.’s brothers have been planning to come to our house from North Carolina (they have 3 teenage boys and 2 labradors) and New Jersey (they have 4 kids under 10 and a border collie) to celebrate.

The plan was for Brother NC to arrive late Monday afternoon, and Brother NJ and Mom would show up on Tuesday. They’re all staying over on Tuesday night, which will be quite the adventure. Well, NC called this afternoon and said that the kids want to spend more time with their idol, Uncle J.P. So now they’re coming on Saturday! And still staying until Thursday (which was the original plan)! Fortunately NJ and family are only staying one night.

Now don’t get me wrong–I am looking forward to it. We don’t see them very often, and I think it’ll be a lot of fun. But now our time to accomplish all those tasks has been virtually cut in half, and we’re starting to panic a little bit. Well, the panic isn’t anything a few games of Wii tennis can’t cure, but still! (Would you believe we were playing tonight, with everything we have to do? Stupid! And now I’m sitting here blogging. Nice.)

But I didn’t sit down to write about all of this. Nope. I wanted to extend an invitation to you . . .

Last year I posted a Christmas greeting on my blog that included this picture:

2005 Edition

Susie commented with a great suggestion:

“I so love Maggie’s Rudolph pic. If I’m still in blogworld, next year, I am stealing that idea, be forewarned. In fact, I say all pet lovers should post their critters with red noses and Santa hats.”

She probably doesn’t even remember saying it, but I’m going to hold her to it (if she’s feeling up to it)! And I’d like to invite you to join us. If you do a Christmas post, include a pic of your pet (or kid if you prefer) with the red nose. Santa hats and other “gay apparel” and props are optional but welcome. I think it would be fun to visit everyone’s blogs and see the pets in their holiday finery.

Time’s getting a little short, but you can do it! I’ll probably put mine up on Saturday. Stop by to see Merry Maggie and wish her a Merry Christmas.

12 Responses to “Wanna know a secret?”

  1. Von Krankipantzen Says:

    Whew! Sounds like an adventure. An adventure that you are going to need a holiday to recover from. Like a trip to Mexico to recover kind of adventure.

    I’ll be posting with a certain cat photo on Friday…..

  2. William Says:

    Merry Christmas to you .

  3. Ortizzle Says:

    hmmm… and I thought *I* was busy. Just thinking about all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc., that accompanies a week long visit with all those people makes me dizzy. Are they traveling with a personal maid? 😉

  4. eclectic Says:

    I don’t have photoshop, and probably couldn’t do it if I did, so Brizzy and/or Sapphira will appear sans finery. I DO have a certain moose though that might cooperate… we’ll have to see…

  5. soozieq Says:

    I would never do something like this to my Dog!


    Ok, I’m in. Can I do the same thing to the cats AND the Hubs? 😉

  6. CircusKelli Says:

    Wanna know a secret? If you don’t see it when you first get to my blog, refresh the page — the picture at the top of the page will change. One of the pictures has Sweet Pea with a red nose!

    Hi Sharkey!

  7. Susie Says:

    Hee! I had forgotten my comment, but as soon as I saw Maggie the red-nosed reinspaniel, I was just as tickled as last year. I’m in! With a dog and a kid! Already posted 🙂 Great fun, Shawkey.

  8. soozieq Says:

    I’m so blatant that I even STOLE Maggie’s hat and nose! I’m terrible….but the Dog looks so cute 🙂
    Check him OUT!

  9. Merry Christmas! « Veering Off Course Says:

    […] Ok so the invitation was out there from Sharkey and you all know that given any chance to embarrass my Dog, I’m all over it. “And I’d like to invite you to join us. If you do a Christmas post, include a pic of your pet (or kid if you prefer) with the red nose. Santa hats and other “gay apparel” and props are optional but welcome. I think it would be fun to visit everyone’s blogs and see the pets in their holiday finery.” […]

  10. mainlinemom Says:

    I guess I’m too late. I’ve only just begun photoshopping the heck out of a session for a client and I’ve had company all week too! Merry Christmas!

  11. naisioxerloro Says:

    Good design, who make it?

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